Jul 12, 2021
Know what you are not by following the “Neti Neti” practice of “Not This, Not That” to realize the non-dual awareness of reality. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, author of “Hollywood to the Himalayas,” joins Hale Dwoskin in this episode of “Letting Go & The Greatest Secret.” Sadhvi is a renowned spiritual leader in India. She has lived on the banks of the Ganga River, in the lap of the Himalayas, at Parmarth Niketan Ashram for 25 years where she gives spiritual discourses and question-answer sessions (satsang), teaches meditation, and oversees numerous charitable and humanitarian programs. Learn more about Sadhvi at www.Sadhviji.org.
Hale Dwoskin is the author of the New York Times best seller "The Sedona Method" and the coauthor of "Happiness Is Free: And It’s Easier Than You Think" with Lester Levenson. He has been helping people let go and discover their true nature since 1976. He is also one of the featured teachers in Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie phenomenon "The Secret" as well as a featured teacher in "The Greatest Secret." Learn more about Hale and the Sedona Method at www.Sedona.com, www.YouTube.com/User/TheSedonaMethod, www.Facebook.com/TheSedonaMethod, and www.Instagram.com/TheSedonaMethodOfficial.
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