Apr 19, 2021
Often described as the “teacher's teacher,” Peter Lawry gently guides seekers back to the source of their inquiry, and in that clear seeing dissolution happens. As one of the featured teachers in Rhonda Byrne’s latest book “The Greatest Secret,” Peter Lawry joins Hale Dwoskin in this episode of “Letting Go & The Greatest Secret.” Peter has a life focus of awakening people to living as flow; living intuitively, creatively, and at ease. He currently offers private sessions and bespoke individual retreats. Connect with Peter through the Non-Duality Australia website at https://NonDuality.com.au/.
Hale Dwoskin is the author of the New York Times best seller "The Sedona Method" and the coauthor of "Happiness Is Free: And It’s Easier Than You Think" with Lester Levenson. He has been helping people let go and discover their true nature since 1976. He is also one of the featured teachers in Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie phenomenon "The Secret" as well as a featured teacher in "The Greatest Secret." Learn more about Hale and the Sedona Method at www.Sedona.com, www.YouTube.com/User/TheSedonaMethod, www.Facebook.com/TheSedonaMethod, and www.Instagram.com/TheSedonaMethodOfficial.
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